Poland GeoData for Location Intelligence
Are you a retailer or restaurant? Does Poland feature in your expansion plans? Geolytix has GeoData to support your business.

Poland is a brilliant example of a country that has developed rapidly, its location is a geographical and cultural crossroads where Eastern and Western Europe meet. It represents a huge growth opportunity for both in-country businesses and overseas investments.
We are very fortunate to have the fabulous Jacek working in Poland. Jacek recently produced a fascinating demographic report into changing trends over the past ten years.
The team have been building a comprehensive set of Poland GeoData over the last few years to help support businesses with their location based decisions. Whether you are looking to explore entry to the market, expanding an existing estate or require support in deciding the correct format for the location Geolytix has the data and services to help.
How can I find my target audience?
Through our demographic data we provide current counts of population, household, age groups and affluence index at Gmina and address point.
This can be layered with additional data to understand who your types of customers are and identify additional locations where your target audience is.

Where are my potential locations?
Geolytix Retail Places which include Shopping Centres and Retail Parks were created to identify opportunity locations for expansion, optimisation and closures.
Profiling, segmenting and scoring supports finding optimum locations based on brand presence and activity.

Which locations offer the highest footfall?
We use mobility app data to understand activity, with the ability to show pitch, catchments and changes over time. This can be overlayed to the hundreds of Retail Places we have across Poland as a proxy for footfall and allow for ranking and recognise type of usage between places.
Can you forecast potential sales?
Demand layers to report retail expenditure at Gmina or address point level for Food or Non Food to be used in our sales forecasting modelling and to calculate market shares on a detailed catchment level.
Which brands and competitors are near to my site?
We have over 60k of retail points across Poland including all brands from the grocery sector through fashion and DIY to fast food. This gets updated on a quarterly basis and covers all areas of the country.
Where is there high levels of human activity?
Traffic generators, all other service points such as restaurants, cinemas, cafes, public transport stops. These are additionally used to assess and score our Retail Places.
Geolytix GeoData identifies where people live, work, study and shop. The data is available on an annual license with updates and favourable license terms. We can support you with location intelligence, network strategy and sales forecast modelling. If you would like to know more please get in contact.
Louise Cross, Product Owner of Data at GEOLYTIX